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Airgun Flix Launch


In the past several weeks the Airgun community had lost many favored channels, some have been slowly restored and others may never return. This unfortunately is something we as creators will never recover from, the thought of losing our content and being restricted to what we can or cannot share with the world. I spent several sleepless nights thinking about this and finally decided to do something about it, not only for myself but other content creators. I think it’s worth more than anything to have a safe place to share, post and find other Airgunners. With the help of our very own web designer, a quick plan was set into place for the “Imperfect Airgun Community”

AirgunFlix.com was launched 3/1/2018 to satisfy the need for safe content uploading. Here your content will never just disappear all of a sudden, without any warning. Uploading videos, images and channel status is a breeze! It is based off of social media type platforms, with the airgun community in mind. This website like any other needs to be used and shared in order for it to grow and evolve into the great idea it started as. This site is free to the user and will rely on donations from Airgun related businesses to keep it running to the standards we all can enjoy. We would encourage sharing of this site to help us gain the content that will bring us all closer together. Please feel free to visit the site and sign up.



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